Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day 145: Snowy Evergreen

Day 145: It was a snowy morning, and as much as I hate the snow, it was "relatively" pretty. I snapped this shot of the fresh snow on one of the evergreens on campus. Beautiful!

Day 144: Hand Sanitizer

Day 144: I really lead a boring life, don't I? My photo blog has turned into me taking pictures of my hand sanitizer bottle. At least it's somewhat artistic, right?

Day 143: Sunrise Through The Trees

Day 143: I'm at the same places almost every time, every day, so I feel like my photos should be repeats most days. However, I always seem to find something different about my surroundings. This is a photo of the sunrise through the tree branches near the golf course. You couldn't even tell I was near the golf course, could you? :)

Day 142: Sunset Contrails

Day 142: It's pretty depressing walking to the bus stop after work now that it's getting dark so early. But I managed to snap this one before the bus arrived. It's a photo at sunset facing one of the Engineering buildings. The plane happened to be sailing through the sky at the perfect angle. Quite the shot if I do say so myself!

Day 141: Not Quite Ripe!

Day 141: This is an artistic shot of my daily staple food: the banana. These were hanging on my banana hanger, and as you can tell, aren't quite ripe enough for breakfast. Hopefully this changes soon, as I eat one every morning!

Day 140: Fall Centerpiece

Day 140: I'm sure I've already taken this photo, but oh well. Nothing was exciting today! This is a photo of my fall centerpiece, with leaves and gourds. They may be fake, but they bring lots of color to the dining room table! 

Day 139: Severe Weather Dance!

Day 139: Although it's the middle of November, the Wisconsin weather has other ideas. It's actually quite mild and severe storms are being forecast for later today and tomorrow. This is a picture of me and Jim at the Badger football game doing our 'drunk' severe weather dance. They had just announced via the jumbo tron that there was lightning in the area and that we may be forced to evacuate the stadium. Guess there's a first for everything!

Day 138: The Road Is OPEN!

Day 138: It's been a long summer of construction, but part of the new jug handle is open on Mineral Point Road! I have to admit, I had to take this picture a few days later, but I was just being safe. No photos while driving!

Day 137: Lot 1

Day 137:  This is a photo of Lot 1. That's all you need to know!

Day 136: My New Favorite Treat

Day 136: Thanks to a coupon, I came upon this wonderful snack. They are all-natural (well, pretty close anyway..) yogurt-dipped pretzels. Although they may not sound delicious, they taste exactly like white chocolate and they are the perfect sweet and salty combination. I'd suggest you try them! They are in the natural foods section at the Copps grocery store!

Day 135: Is That Blood?

Day 135: I took this photo from my car (while parked at the stoplight!!) because I couldn't believe I was seeing what I was seeing. I still to this day still wonder if I should have called the police. If you look carefully, it appears to be blood dripping from the truck. Those I told the story said it was probably from a deer, but I still wonder why you'd put a dead deer in the back of the car. I'm still convinced it was from something else!

Day 134: Fall Snowfall

Day 134:  I took this image outside on campus of (yet again) another late fall snowfall. It seems to be doing that quite often here, but then again, I'd rather it snow now than in winter! It has a better chance of melting!

Day 133: Guess That Image!

Day 133: It's time to play: Guess That Image! This photo is a symbol of job that no one wants to do, but it's a necessity. In my house, it's unfortunately my job, but the plumber in me gets it done effectively! If you guessed hair from the clogged shower drain, you are correct! Sadly, this is a poor game show, so you win nothing! (Just don't vomit :)

Day 132: Caterpillar!

Day 132: I was headed out for a walk today and I saw this guy walking along the side of the house on the porch. I was quite surprised, since it's so late in the fall, but I guess you never know what you might find outside in nature! I took this photo as he was attempting to climb up the house. Look at his buggy eyes!

Day 131: Frosty Leaves

Day 131: It was a very frosty, cold late-fall morning so I was able to capture this picture of the hard frost on the fallen leaves. I loved how it showed the contrast between fall and winter!