Friday, September 27, 2013

Day 68: Another Spider

Day 68:  Seriously. They are everywhere. I'm not sure what kind of spider this is, but their webs expand on a daily basis and they make a hole to hide in to keep themselves safe from predators (or me, when bang against the house to scare them). I hate the cold weather, but I won't miss the spiders!

Day 67: A Neat Leaf

Day 67:  This leaf caught my eye as I was walking to the bus stop one day. I thought it was neat that half of the leaf had been eaten or stricken by disease, while the other side seemed perfectly healthy. Interesting, huh?

Day 66: My Wedding Ring!

Day 66:  I have had many issues with my wedding ring since I had it cut off over a year ago. (Don't ask. Just know it involved a saw and the fire station). My diamonds have been loose, one fell out--you name it, it's happened. So when I noticed one of my small diamonds was moving all around, I was forced to take it back into the jewelry store. This time, all of the prongs needed to be fixed and a cracked diamond replaced. After a few long weeks, I finally got it back! Shiny and new!

Day 65: Balloons!

Day 65:  It is not far removed from the big birthday party and plenty of decorations are still placed around the house. I took this picture of the colorful balloons we had scattered about the floor for the event. I thought they looked kind of neat stacked on top of each other--or maybe I'm just a nerd. One of the two!

Day 64: Sunset Thunderstorms

Day 64:  Okay, I'll be honest. I forgot to take a picture today. But I have one from late last night, so I'm counting that. Close enough! This picture is of some thunderstorms off in the distance right around sunset. They almost look like mountains in the distance!

Day 63: The Surprise Birthday Party

Day 63:  Today was the day of the big, surprise birthday party for Austin! I (and everyone else) had managed to keep the party a secret since June!  The party was a big success--we had almost 40 people in attendance and we had lots of great food and drinks. This was the cake that was made, which I loved! I made sure it said that this wasn't actually a birthday party, since we all know how Austin feels about birthday parties! :)

Day 62: Football!

Day 62:  Football season officially started today! The Badgers were playing at home versus UMass and of course, we were in attendance (albeit maybe a few minutes late, but we were there!) Don't we look cute? :)  Go Bucky!

Day 61: I Heart Clouds

Day 61:  On this particular day, we decided to drive to IKEA (which probably was a mistake due to all of the construction). The weather was super nice, however, and I took this photo of a few clouds in the bright blue sky. The clouds looked like a big heart! 

Day 60: Peanut Butter!

Day 60:  Forest, the yellow labrador, has some pretty bad allergies--especially during the spring and the fall--so we have to give him allergy medication every day. I usually give him the pill in some cheese, but this night he got some peanut butter. He loves it, but it's pretty sticky! :)

Day 59: Video Camera

Day 59:  My Wednesdays have since freed up since my softball season ended, but Austin still plays, so I like to go and watch. The team they were playing this evening felt the need to place a video camera along the backstop fencing--you know, just to do some scouting work, for either the team they were playing or for themselves. Clearly, they weren't using the video footage to help the team improve their own game, as Austin's team beat them handily. No fail though--they bring the camera to all of their games!